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Dehydrated sauces

Sauces are an integral part of culinary art, since they are included in hundreds of recipes. Through delicious experiments, we have created a wide variety of sauces that are distinguished for their excellent quality, ease of use and their international character, inspired by flavors and aromas all over the world. Our Dehydrated Sauces are the ideal solution for fast applications, giving you a perfect flavor and aesthetic result.
Globe iconAll goods come from more than one country Packaging iconVariety of packaging and sizes
product description dosage use
Demi-glaceRich flavored, dark sauce for all types of meat100 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot
Roasted gravy

Delicious sauce with rich flavor and roasted meat aroma

80 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot

Ready Hollandaise mix sauce with rich flavor

150 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot
BéarnaiseCreamy sauce with the characteristic tarragon flavor150 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot
A la creamWhite velvet sauce with a characteristic cream aroma120 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot

Delicious cheese and bacon flavored white sauce, with Italian touch

150 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot
CurryCurry creamy sauce, enriched with fruity aroma150 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot
MushroomSoft cream sauce with a delicious mushroom flavor140 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot
CheeseCream sauce with a rich, full cheese flavor and aroma140 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot
SaffronFine sauce with the characteristic saffron flavor and aroma140 gr / 1 lt waterGrill, oven, pan, pot

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